Early education on oral hygiene and teaching children good habits will translate into their healthy, strong teeth and proper occlusion. The first visit at the dentist’s should take place once the child turns one year old. Even if the child does not have all teeth yet, such a visit is still very important. The dentist will determine whether the teething process is developing correctly and provide the parents with information on proper oral hygiene in children.

We strongly recommend that the first visit should be prophylactic – don’t wait until it starts to hurt. Remember that this appointment will influence your child’s attitude towards the dentist’s, so it should be a pleasant experience. What’s more, prophylactic measures may save you the need for root canal treatment or tooth extraction.

Pedodontics, i.e. pediatric dentistry, focuses mostly on prophylaxis and primary teeth treatment as well as therapy of permanent teeth in their early stage of development. All procedures in paediatric are suitable for children’s teeth.

Our offer includes:

  • dental sealants
  • dental filling
  • fluoride treatment
  • primary teeth extraction

DENTAL SEALANTS are applied to seal natural pits and fissures in molars and premolars. This procedure is performed using dental curing light. Dental sealants reduce the risk of tooth decay up to as much as 90%. The procedure is performed only on healthy molars and premolars as they are formed in the oral cavity.

DENTAL FILLINGS made of white or colourful material are placed into a primary tooth. Colourful fillings, apart from being a nice novelty for children, gradually release fluoride which prevents recurrence of tooth decay.

FLUORIDE TREATMENT protects teeth from caries. It should be done before children turn 14. Fluoride varnish enhances teeth resistance, improves enamel structure and remineralises small cavities. Depending on the risk of caries, fluoride treatment should be performed every 3 or 6 months.